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My Favorite Guided Meditations for Anxiety, Stress, and Panic Attacks

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Woman meditating on a beach

One of the things that helped me tremendously on my journey to smashing anxiety was guided meditation. Unfortunately, it took me a while to stop making excuses, to shut up the skeptic in me, and to finally give meditation a try.

I can’t say it started well, though. I first tried to meditate on my own. It was a complete failure. I tried it during a panic attack and I couldn’t stop concentrating on the physical sensations. My heart was pounding and that’s all I could think about.

Luckily my husband suggested I try a guided meditation instead and I am so glad I listened. I was amazed at how well it worked for me and still use it to this day whenever things get a little stressful.

Today, I’ll share with you three of my favorite guided meditations. Keep in mind that just because I love those meditations doesn’t mean you will too because everyone has a personal preference. You might enjoy a different voice or different background music than I do, so keep looking until you find a good match for you.

Deep Sleep Meditation by Michael Sealey

Guided meditations by Michael Sealey were a lifesaver for me at a time when going to bed at night was torture because that meant I could have a panic attack at any moment.

I started going to sleep while listening to his calming voice every single night. Instead of freaking out at bedtime, I would look forward to my relaxing nightly ritual.

Below is one of my favorite sleep meditations by Michael Sealey. If this one doesn’t work for you, you can always check out his other meditations on his YouTube channel.

Guided Meditation for Stress and Anxiety Relief by Joe T – Hypnotic Labs

Another meditation that I enjoy is one by Joe T – Hypnotic Labs. This is a longer meditation running for almost 54 minutes which is perfect for those nights when one has trouble falling asleep. I find Joe T’s voice very relaxing and I hope you will too.

5-Minute Quick Anxiety Reduction – Guided Mindful Meditation by MindfulPeace

Do you feel like you don’t have enough time for meditation? Try this short one from MindfulPeace. Even though it’s only five minutes long, I find this one extremely helpful. Give it a try!

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